
NewJew Arts Promo Video

Our NewJew Arts Promo video has been entered into the Avi Chai Foundation's Jewish Day School Academy Awards video competition.

Please visit the site and rate the video to help us win $10,000!



New Hanukkah Video

Check out our new NCJHS Hanukkah Video!

This project is a collaboration between the NCJHS Media Arts, Instrumental Ensemble, and Choir student artists and musicians. The collaborative project began with class discussions about the history, traditions, and modern celebration of Hanukkah and evolved into a short animation that seeks to commemorate the holiday with meaning, fun, and enough jelly to feed an army of Maccabees. Chag Sameach!


Welcome to NewJew Arts

We are thrilled to launch the New Community Jewish High School Arts Department online gallery, "NewJew Arts." On this site we will feature the creative works of students who endeavor on a daily basis to balance academic coursework, social lives, extracurricular activities, family, and personal interests within the context of a challenge to draw meaning from Jewish wisdom, tradition, and culture.

What does mean to be a young Jew in this modern world?

We hope that in exploring these fruits of the soul that you will gain some insight, appreciation and hope for the future that will come from the creative hands of our "NewJews."